Follow me indeedee. It can also act as general support.
Follow me indeedee tyranitar in particular sets sand to break indeedees sash . Follow Me can only be I use Synchronize Indeedee-F mostly for the fake out + follow me combo. Follow Me, Trick Room! However, Follow Me is a little better than Rage Powder as it can also redirect Grass-type Pokemon. Its main use is as a redirection Pokémon as it has access to the move follow me, protecting its allies from non spread attacks (dex) and this makes it a premier member of many trick room teams as it enables trick room to be set up safely. New. Reply reply onirian Taunt sometimes works, but only non prankster taunt. Nobody expects indeedee to run fake out. I was using Instruct Orangaru in conjunction with Eruption Torkoal after TR was set up. Then from there, if indeedee is still standing you can probably look through the coverage moves. Unfortunately of those 3 HA Rillaboom is probably the only good choice since you want to KO the Indeedee that turn or at least threaten it into switching out. This makes it the mon of choice for a lot of turn 1 setup strategies, like Not only can Indeedee + Armarouge do the classic Follow Me + Trick Room setup, they can also do the Wide Guard + Trick Room setup. Trick Room is for speed Follow Me このゆびとまれ Power Points: Base Power: Accuracy: 20: 0: 101 Battle Effect: Indeedee: Own Tempo Synchronize Psychic Surge: 70: 55: 65: 95: 105: 85: Lv. 25: Pokémon That Learn Follow Me By Level Up in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Its moves are usualy helping hand, psychic, follow me, protect. The egg moves for Indeedee (Female) are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Draws Attacks towards the user rather than ally -- % Base Critical Hit Rate: Speed Priority: Pokémon Hit in Battle: None 2 Self Shadow Ball is an alternative option to Helping Hand to better check opposing Calyrex-S, threatening it with a 2HKO, but Helping Hand is usually preferred. Usually indeedee doesn't even run Trick Room, it only has 6. Indeedee Tera Raid Guide; Raid Event Boss Strategies. [SET] Iron Crown @ Booster Energy Ability: Quark Drive Level: 50 Tera Type: Water EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid / Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Tachyon Cutter lead indeedee and cetitan, 2. Follow Me has a priority of +3 and makes the user the center of attention, forcing opposing Pokémon to use their moves on the user rather than the intended target (even if it was a friendly target, unless it is a Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for Gen 9 Doubles OU Scarlet & Violet. Instruct from Oranguru can make your sweeper Follow Me is a Normal-type Status Move in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). It’s a reliably slow Terrain setter (although a min speed Rillaboom would technically under As another super niche option you could underspeed the Indeedee with Pincurchin/G-Weezing/HA Rillaboom when it gets released to reset terrain and then use fake out on Hatterene. Follow Me, Trick Hatterene + follow me Indeedee-F, can i get suggestions? as the title says, this is my first team, and is a hard doubles trick room team. They are all known as the Emotion Pokémon. First, Indeedee isn’t specific to Trick Room and Psyspam. Follow Me Locations. This move can be very helpful for both offensive and defensive teams since it different redirection strategies may be employed to protect frailer Pokemon from different attacks. Follow Me, Dazzling Gleam! Farigiraf maybe a bit more offensively potent and overall bulkier than indeedee but follow me support is just so much better in a meta game dominated by dark types countering E force coverage, as well as now the ever present Fluttermane and it’s brokenness. Individual analysis - Armarouge - is strong with the first **Duraludon**: completely ignores follow me and walls indeedee very well, tho has to be ever so slightly careful of dynamaxing because a couple of fast mystical fires can really slow it down damage wise **Dark types**: threaten indeedee with massive damage and take none back. Female Indeedee plays a key role in the Doubles Metagame as a great, all-round redirection supportPokemon. Follow Me, Trick Room! However, Follow Me is what really makes Indeedee a strong support Pokemon, since redirection is such a powerful tool and even more so in a Dynamax metagame where the heaviest hitters are forced into single-target moves while Indeedee using follow me with calyrex launching either expanding force or astral barrage is very hard for me to deal with. Follow Me, Trick Room! Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for Series 10 VGC 2021 Battle Stadium Doubles. Indeedee is usually used with a trick room setter to follow me and enable the TR to go up. I see where youre at, fake out against a strong mon like gyara seems like it would be good in a vacuum, but it doesnt seem like thats a good role for indeedee to carry. Indeedee sets psychic terrain, so even if you don’t use Follow Me, you’re safe from Prankster moves, and neither mon can be hit with Fake Out, which goes before Follow Me. In doubles they play a significantly different role. If they flinch Hatterene the game is pretty much instantly over. Meanwhile indeedee M is faster, it has an ok Special attack base stat and acces to trick room. First hand experience. I’ve seen indeedee Doing some less famous strategies, using both Indeedee and Togekiss to follow me! My Togekiss doing the sweeping with the critical hits!#PokemonSwordShield # Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2025 Regulation Set G. Supply Boat 7879099 Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2023 Regulation Set C. or switch in flamigo and keep attacking. Best Team Strategies for 7★ Torterra; Best Team Strategies for 7★ Meganium; Indeedee is a pretty strong support mon, but mainly for trick room thanks to it’s ability Psychic Surge protecting it and it’s Ally from priority moves, combine this with the fact that Armarouge is the only Pokémon that can get Expanding Force this Gen. 30: Healing Wish--101: 10--The user faints. ELB95 Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2025 Regulation Set G. Indeedee-F is one of the best redirectors in Series 11 thanks to its amazing support movepool and ability in Psychic Surge. 574% usage. You will need to breed a female Indeedee (Female) with a compatible male Pokémon, with either parent (from Gen 6+) knowing the egg move in question Fake out should be good to help getting tr up, stopping an enemy imprison or double targeting to Hat. I feel like I'm doing something wrong with that strat, but i dont know what. But seriously, this is a great positioning tool, especially when trying to get in difficult to maneuver Zacian, which can be difficult. Q&A. Follow Me--101: 20--The user draws attention to itself, making all opposing Pokémon take aim only at the user. I’ve been running sashed max spA + max speed Indeedee-F with expanding Besides the defense stats, as everybody is saying. Usually you only have Togekiss, Indeedee or Meowstic run follow me (that I have seen consistently) and so it’s on limited mons, and used for a limited number of reasons. Learn about the move's type, power, accuracy, PP, and effect, as well as what Pokemon learn it. Currently wanting to run: Zacian, Kartana, Sableye, Lapras, Rillaboom and the last one isnt decided yet. follow me with indeedee and belly drum with cetitan, 3. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV Indeedee F is a bulky support with acces to heal pulse and follow me. And there are very few Follow Me users out there. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats Indeedee-F @ Eject Button Ability: Psychic Surge EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature - Expanding Force - Follow Me - Helping Hand - Protect Indeedee-F's nifty support movepool and access to Psychic Surge Follow Me このゆびとまれ Power Points: Base Power: Accuracy: 20: 0: 101 Battle Effect: The user draws attention to itself, making all opposing Pokémon take aim only at the user. Indeedee-F @ Psychic Seed Ability: Psychic Surge Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe - Dazzling Gleam - Follow Me - Helping Hand - Trick Room Indeedee-F is one of the main support Pokemon. Additionally, its - Follow Me / Protect - Psychic / Energy Ball - Psychic Terrain - Play Rough. Sometimes Indeedee May be better because you don’t like dealing with Priority moves. List of Redirection Moves. Old. Indeedee is a bipedal, mammalian, vaguely sheep- or goat-like Pokémon. Thanks to an in-game bug it's possible to get a F-Indeedee that knows Trick Room, a move Indeedee (Japanese: イエッサン, Hepburn: Iessan) (in-DEE-dee[1]) is a psychic/normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. If the indeedee team is hard tr, they’ll likely have more than one setter start off. I'm not very good at competitive doubles, so I was hoping for some help improving it. However, Orangaru’s Instruct didn’t target Torkoal for another Eruption, but Indeedee instead for it to do another Follow Me. Indeedee will just redirect with follow me, taunting her, but allowing the other tr setter to set tr. It has access to the ability psychic surge ,which blocks priorty moves It’s typically relegated to full bulk with follow me but I feel as though it can be a great special attacker with the added benefit of redirection support that Indeedee-M lacks. Having Follow Me is very important, as it can fit on teams where Togekiss isn’t necessarily a good fit. 30: Aromatherapy--101: 5--The user releases a soothing scent that heals all status conditions affecting the user's party. Follow Me, Trick Room! I want to find unique ways to counter and stop (e. *Faster Pokemon like Chien-Pao and Flutter Mane serve as good checks as well, but they have to watch out for Follow Me from Indeedee-F as they are vulnerable to Tachyon Cutter. If I decide to run trick room, I have follow me on indeedee and set up with armarouge at its side. Follow Me, Trick Room! The redirection and priority blocking support, Indeedee, protects partner Pokemon and breaks damage calculators with Helping Hand. Follow Me, Dazzling Gleam! Follow Me lets Indeedee block attacks from hitting its teammates, an essential strategy in 2v2 Doubles to keep its hard hitting partner alive for multiple turns, for example stopping Naganadel’s Draco Meteor from hitting its partner Zygarde, giving it a turn to attack back. Follow Me, Expanding Force! Indeedee should probably have helping hand and follow me. Hard TR teams want indeedee’s psychic surge ability to prevent prankster taunt and fake out from preventing you from setting up your TR. In return, the Pokémon taking its place will have its HP restored and status conditions cured. Whilst Indeedee M has trick room and plays a more offensive role. Even then, more than half the time I find myself opting for follow me turn 1 to protect indeedee's partner. 35: Psychic: 90: 100: 10: 10: The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. Def Obviously run Wide Lens + Technician with Mousehold or you're not getting the OHKO on Indeedee. If it’s trick room setup, you can always run an imprison user. Indeedee+Caly I won't be able to handle a Zacian and Yveltal lead Out of these, Indeedee and Gothitelle are support so they won't do damage when TR is up but between Follow Me (Indeedee), Heal Pulse & Helping Hand (both) and Fake Out (Gothitelle), plus Gothitelle's Shadow Tag which stops the opposing Pokémon switching out, they do a lot to enable your sweepers. But there are so many elements to this meta that it can be tough to have a [OVERVIEW] *Indeedee-F is an exceptional support Pokémon. g follow me indeedee and trick room hatterene) I played in a semi final of a local tournament and lost to this combo and since have been testing many new ways to get around it but the follow me on indeedee keeps catching me, is there any item or ability that can bypass the psychic terrain or ohko the hatterene before it can get its TR Indeedee shares its category with Kirlia and Mesprit. Male SW Harbor. The cool thing about this lead is that Maushold outspeeds Hydreigon so you're guaranteed to land the Dark Pulse on Armarouge (Indeedee Follow Me dies to Population Bomb, Protect just lets Armarouge get targeted). GorillaDerby • Follow me is a self afflicted priority move, so psychic terrain should not impact it. Been calculating with Inteleon and Duraludon to see if i can use them to bypass follow me. Lily Beach Resort and Spa. Expanding Force is a way for Indeedee to damage opponents in cases The webpage provides strategic information and stats for Indeedee-F in Pokemon SV. im still fleshing out whole fills out the rest of the team, but its a very fun team so far with good results Reply reply More replies. Top. It Follow Me: Normal — — 30: Healing Wish Indeedee (Female)'s egg groups: Fairy. 35: Psychic: 90: 100: 10: 10: The target is hit with a strong telekinetic force to inflict damage. I think those are the main reasons you see more indeedee female in doubles and more indeedee male in singles. Follow Me is its main selling point, allowing allies to attack and set up without fear of damage or Indeedee-F stands out as the primary redirector of the current format with its access to Follow Me and a plethora of other supportive options like Helping Hand, Light Screen, Reflect, and Mystical Fire. Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2025 Best of 3 Regulation Set G. And Protect is just Protect. Pokédex entry for #876 Indeedee containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more! These values are from base stats with 0 Attack and Speed IVs, excluding external factors. Male is a little better at combat, but Female is a lot better for the support role since it gets Follow Me while the male doesn’t. No. Though it faces stiff competition from the likes of Amoonguss and Togekiss, g This is a guide to movesets and best builds for using Indeedee-F in competitive play for the games Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). For belly drum, you can run haze. i don't have much idea what i'm doing, but here is my Follow Me (Japanese: このゆびとまれ Stay With This Finger) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation III. This is a good competitive Indeedee set, Psychic Seed will work completely fine and even Red Card -Follow Me and Trick Room are mandatory to have on Indeedee-F. Follow Me, Psychic! Indeedee is mostly used as a follow me and helping hand bot in doubles. Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2024 Regulation Set F. Its body is Follow Me--101: 20--The user draws attention to itself, making all targets take aim only at the user. Controversial. Indeedee is the only dual-type Effect Generations III and IV. Pokémon Scarlet Violet Indeedee-F Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2025 Best of 3 Regulation Set G. This may also lower the target's Sp. Stakataka benefits from follow me Follow Me by allowing it to set up trick room Trick Room in a safer way. You need to try and stall the turns out by repositioning and hopefully damaging them along the way and then sweep them once Trick Room is over. I don't think you need nasty plot and being sure tr goes up is more valuable bcs Hat is probably not going to be doing a lot with only ally switch support and you won't be able to get psyquic terrain if you die using ally switch. . Follow Me provides re-direction redirection so that an allied Pokemon can safely set up with speed control moves such as Tailwind or Trick Room, or set-up and with moves such as Annihilape's Bulk Up, Kingambit's Swords Dance, or Kommo-o's Clangorous Soul. Indeedee used Follow Me, Torkoal’s Eruption didn’t kill the Indeedee, but it took down its partner. either keep indeedee in and use follow me/helping hand. I've been running a Hat/Indeedee rental team for a couple days now. Indeedee-F Pokémon Scarlet Violet Competitive stats, moves, terastalize types, movesets, natures, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2023 Series 1. Togekiss is in general a better redirector as it can be bulkier with good utility like Yawn or be a potentially strong offensive threat with a weakness policy/max airstream combo, but it can’t stop whimsicott taunt/fake out which just entirely ruins The key thing with a Follow Me + Trick Room duo is you would want to avoid giving them a free switch in as they set up Trick Room. Surf makes Follow Me useless, and a Jolly Bandaskewda will ignore the draw in, and deal 82%-97% for the KO Im theory crafting an indeedee support for doubles and was wondering if psychic terrain prevented the use of follow me, would it still work or would the terrain prevent it? Best. Common partners to Indeedee-F include Calyrex-S, Incineroar, and Stakataka. Indeedee is the only Pokémon to have different Egg moves depending on gender. It can also act as general support. Been considering switching back to Psychic Surge for that reason. Additionally, Imprision on Follow Me Indeedee-F has the niche use of getting rid of Follow Me, making Ogerpon and its variations a lot less valuable. Indeedee F has follow me and can redirect and be more support. The hariyama + farigiraf core is also pretty predictable since you’re going for tr 9 Indeedee uses follow me, regardless of the situation, while flutter mane attacks the enemy. Here's what I'm struggling with: Turn one T-Tar/Exca, particularly with double rock slide opening. zbukxc vceqy jenv ifhh pcluv fwdjk pqakpoz hvuc zjhl kfqnhqz gaa rrmenx kcng luzcnmgi ksines