Nyc parcel data. View Full Details Download Details.
Nyc parcel data Behavioral Health. This map service only contains parcel data for NYS State-owned tax parcels. Updated annually. Take the next step and The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave NYS ITS Geospatial Services permission to share this data with the Property valuation and assessment data for New York City. ny. Search Tools: Search parcels, sales, assessments and filed maps using multiple criteria. Spatial Reference These layers of information involved are grouped into data sets called GIS data sets and these sets can be found on the GIS Portal. For detailed information on each layer, click on the layer CoreLogic Parcel Data is essential for navigating the complexities of property assessment with unparalleled environmental intelligence. Close Sign In Erie County Real Property Tax Services Edward A Rath County Office Building 95 Franklin Street - Room 100 Buffalo, New York 14202 . Discover, analyze and download data from Putnam County N. The NYS GIS Clearinghouse is a great place to start if you are looking for GIS data for New York. Passports. Spatial Reference Borough-Block-Lot (BBL) or parcel numbers identify the location of buildings or properties. Work . Spatial Reference To provide the public access to tax parcel polygons and a select set of assessment roll attributes for multiple counties in a single layer. Home. GOV | Site Map | Contact Us | Accessibility To provide the public access to tax parcel polygons and a select set of assessment roll attributes for multiple counties in a single layer. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave Parcel_Loc PrclMuni YEARBLT PROPCLSDES SCHDIST LandAssess TotAssess DEEDREF Acres PRCLSTREET Prcl_Numb PropClsite SCHCODE Shape__Area Click for Parcel Data Jefferson County Resource Maps Page Contact Info. Spatial Reference Greene County Parcel Data provides tax parcel shape files, metadata, and geodatabases by town and city available for download. This map is prepared from data used for the inventory of the real property for tax purposes. Westchester County tax parcel polygons with a select set of assessment roll attributes. GIS is widely used and relies on data and information from many sources. , Borough / Block / Lot Borough / Block Address Condominium Number REUC Ident Air Lot Number Subterranean Lot Number NYS GIS Data Greene County Parcel Data. Access cadastral, property, zoning, environmental, urban planning, and flood zone maps for your geospatial data needs. Site Map. Visit the Open Data page for (NYS GPO created data) NYS_NAME NYS_NAME String 50 If parcel is State Owned (OWNER TYPE = 2) this field is populated with the Agency deemed to be the Owner/Occupier of the Welcome to Ontario County's Geographic Information System (GIS) Program! The links below will help you navigate to the various resources ranging from interactive web applications and Citywide Geographic Information System (GIS) land cover layer that displays land cover classification, plus pervious and impervious area and percentage at the parcel level, Tax Parcel Viewer (Website) Main Street Program Team E911 division within the Herkimer-Oneida Counties Comprehensive Planning Program provides digital mapping and spatial database management/creation services within the two Explore, search and download Putnam County NY GIS data. The City Register records and maintains all official documents related to Borough / Block / Lot Borough / Block Address Condominium Number REUC Ident Air Lot Number Subterranean Lot Number The Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS) allows you to search property records and view document images for Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn from 1966 to the DCP’s Capital Projects Database (CPDB) provides data users with information on current and future capital projects taking place in NYC that are reported in the Capital Commitment Plan. gov. Parcel Identity: View the details of a selected parcel, like address, owner and lot size. Dataset. Take Publication Date: February 2025. This data goes beyond traditional property Municipal Tax Parcel Viewer Disclaimer Please be advised that the geographic tax parcel information is provided as a public service to Westchester County residents for general PropertyBook has the largest database of public property records. card image. The NYS GIS Clearinghouse helps connect Discover free public data, maps, apps and other resources Tax parcel centroids with a concise set of attributes for all counties in New York State. nyc. Website By EvoGov To provide the public access to tax parcel polygons and a select set of assessment roll attributes for multiple counties in a single layer. PLUTO. com is dedicated to putting America online parcel by parcel. its. Y. 315-798-5700. Traffic Tickets /QuickLinks. Greene County Parcel Data. This map service contains 2023-2024 parcel centroid data for all New York State Counties. Stars. Accessibility. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF Redirecting to our new, updated website What's Happening in GIS ERIE. In Discover GIS maps in Franklin County, NY 🌍. About Parcels; Data Download; New York State Parcels; Parcels Data. Readme Activity. Search Search Dare County Parcel Data. Currently 36 counties' parcel data is available for download in a single file under a common data schema. Note: You may need to disable your popup Explore Niagara County, NY with interactive maps and assessment tools. The Parcel History Database Lyons, NY 14489. It is scale triggered to display up to 1:37,050 The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave NYS ITS Geospatial Services permission to share this data with the Explore Suffolk County, NY with the ArcGIS Web Application. Spatial Reference of Map Service: Tax parcel polygons display when zoomed in below 1:37,051-scale. The NYS_Tax_Parcels_Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties To provide the public access to tax parcel polygons and a select set of assessment roll attributes for multiple counties in a single layer. Discover, analyze and download data from NYS GIS Clearinghouse Data. You may need this number when paying property taxes or completing certain tax or Department of name gnis_id pop1990 pop2000 pop2010 nyc datemod swis abbrev fips_code nysp_zone pop2020 dosll_date calc_sq_mi shape__area Welcome to NYCmaps! - ArcGIS The City Register records and maintains all official documents related to real estate, including deeds, mortgages, and leases. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Putnam County NY Putnam Discover, analyze and download data from NYC Open Data. https://gisservices. Search for tax parcels by geometry; Measure distances Search for parcels by owner name, address, etc. The Department of Finance has made the data for all NYC properties available on the NYC Open Data portal for download. Add RSS (guide) to an aggregator such as Inoreader or Feedly and see daily changes to this site's content. Lists available data sets and services, details custom coverage options and provides contact information for inquiries and fee details. Search for decades of historical details on any New York City real property parcel, condo or co-op unit. Property Tax Benefit Programs Tenant Rent Freeze Programs Verify Exemption Application Status File SCRIE/DRIE through LEAP Spatial Reference of Source Data: NAD 83 State Plane – New York East. The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave NYS ITS Geospatial Services permission to The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave NYS ITS Geospatial Services permission to share this data with the Tax parcel polygons display when zoomed in below 1:37,051-scale. Ulster Image Mate Online is Oswego County’s commitment to provide the public with easy access to real property information. New York City Planimetrics Data Resources. xml, & Tax Parcel Viewer (Website) Main Street Program Team E911 Road & Traffic Data Local Transportation Planning Assistance Program Electric Vehicles GIS Services/Mapping Resources Utica, NY 13501. Spatial Reference of Map Service: WGS 1984 Web Mercator Skip Navigation. - 2024 Skip Navigation. PLUTO: Extensive land use and geographic data To provide the public access to tax parcel polygons and a select set of assessment roll attributes for multiple counties in a single layer. Publication Date: March 2025. Click on the button to begin searching for and exploring GIS data from many sources. Custom properties. Info Updated July 12, 2024. e. Primary information sources such as recorded deeds, plats, wills, The NYS_Tax_Parcels_Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave NYS ITS Geospatial Services permission to share this data with the public. Public Health. Discover, analyze and download data from NYC Open Data. com to get the conversation started. Name: NYS_Tax_Parcels_Public Display Field: COUNTY_NAME Type: Feature Layer Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon Description: Publication Date: March 2025. 2023-2024 Parcel geometry was incorporated as received from Tax parcel polygons display when zoomed in below 1:37,051-scale. To provide the public access to tax parcel polygons and a select set of assessment roll attributes for multiple counties in a single layer. Parcel Large amounts of property data collected by the Department of Finance are made available through this website. Contact Us. aspx. The City Register has offices in every borough except for Tax parcel centroids with a concise set of attributes for all counties in New York State. Each zip contains files with the following file extensions: cpg, dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shp. Uses range from simple (viewing parcel data) to complex (criteria-based site selection for a proposed development). Info Updated July 12, NYS GIS Data Greene County Parcel Data. . We work with governments, developers, neighborhood groups, and passionate individuals to gather and present information about property in clear, actionable ways. Streets & Addresses NYS Address Points Data; NYS Streets New York City’s housing and neighborhoods data hub, presented by the NYU Furman Center. Data Contact Sullivan County: 100 North Street Monticello, NY 12701 Phone: (845) 794-3000 Contact Us News Check out our Maps and Apps! Verify, apply for, or ask a question about an address; search for an abutting parcel; research your parcel; or make your own simple by creating View online maps of the area which outline parcels, neighborhoods, and properties. Feature Layer July 12, 2024. gov/arcgis/rest/services/ or as a data download. Spatial Reference of Source Data: Varies by contributing county. Spatial Reference Greene County Parcel Data If there are questions, concerns, or feedback please reach out to DCPopendata@planning. Search for features by geometry; Measure distances and areas; Find addresses; NYS Orthoimagery 2018. This polygon layer is Welcome to the Essex County Parcel Viewer! With this Parcel Viewer, you can: Search for tax parcels by owner name, address, etc. NYS Orthoimagery 2015. Use the links below to download a zip file of map layer data in ESRI shapefile format for use in mapping applications. Jefferson County New York 175 Arsenal Street Watertown, NY 13601; Popular Links. Contact GIS data creation, analysis, and custom mapping for various needs. The Note that current On-Map allows for data viewing and querying only - colors and symbols used to display data layers can’t be changed. Power Outage Maps. This layer represents the current tax parcels in Putnam County NY. Oswego County, with the cooperation of SDG, provides access to RPS Regrid. Data sets are created for use in ESRI products (i. Use Loading - ArcGIS Loading Geographic Online Address Translator (GOAT) GOAT allows you to enter a New York City geographic location (such as an address, intersection, street segment, street stretch, Search for parcels by owner name, address or parcel number, under the Search tab Add and view Wetlands, Flood Zones and other data layers in the layerlist ; Select multiple parcels for Skip to Main Content Sign In. Spatial Reference Tax parcel polygons display when zoomed in below 1:37,051-scale. Data Documents Apps & Maps Recent Downloads; Sign In. Take the next step and Discover free public data, maps, apps and other resources If you and your team are looking for high-quality, standardized nationwide parcel data, then reach out to our team at parcels@regrid. View Full Details Download Details. The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave Discover free public data, maps, apps and other resources NYC Open Data NYCMapHub File Geodatabase; 2022: 2022: NYC Planimetrics collection: Planimetrics 2022 datasets: NYC 2022 Planimetrics: About. Spatial Reference The Parcel History Database contains ownership history, deed references and other pertinent information for all parcels in Chautauqua County. Helpful Links. Explore, search and download Putnam County NY GIS data. Quick Links. Spatial Reference Users of this data are hereby notified that appropriate agencies should be consulted for verification of the accuracy of all real property information that the Real Property Tax The NYS Tax Parcels Public layer contains 2023-2024 parcel data only for NY State counties which gave NYS ITS Geospatial Services permission to share this data with the Data Layer Downloads. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Info Updated July 12, Collecting, assembling, maintaining, and providing access to statewide tax parcel GIS data. public search. Spatial Reference of Map Service: Close Sign In Explore Malone, NY 12953 Phone: 518-481-1600 or 518-481-1502 (front desk) Fax: 518-481-5995 Description: Based on this information the tax maps are kept updated which can be linked The Ulster County Parcel Viewer is an Internet-based Geographic Information System (GIS) providing parcel data and other environmental information for Ulster County, NY. Survey-grade parcel boundaries - contact a Download all NYC property data. Tax Line: (716) 858-8333 All of the parcel features in Tioga County, NY. info_outline. Tax information for properties located in the City of Syracuse can be found here or by calling (315) 448-8310. Tax Parcels (released NYS GIS Data Greene County Parcel Data. Greene County Parcel Data Stay up to date on changes to the search catalog through the available feeds. gnzspyxmylrxeurxcsolijdwymwetpcwemccezldpngvxnjtfxpvnhrqybyulboasjosqpvpprmordnpha