Simaudio vs hegel Integrated brand choice -- Simaudio, Hegel or Mark Levinson? Narrowed down my integrated brand choice to these three. 3: I used to own the Sim i5080 which I loved. I prefer sound on the warm side, I mostly listen to 60s and 70s rock and some soul/jazz/blues. or play dating agency between the H590 (acting as media Who specifically left you dry at Simaudio? other details would help. Simaudio i5. What I've tried, heard: Scenario #1) Simaudio 260DT transport -> Aqua DAC -> Hegel = no sibilance or fatigue. On those days, I switched to the Line Magnetic LM-518 IA ($4400). More finicky for set up and you'll need power. The number one target is distortion: not a steady state aim (as per test tones) but a dynamic one that rises and falls with the up and down nature of analogue music signals and particularly problematic at higher frequencies. Boucherville, Quebec J4B 5H2 Canada Phone: (877) 980-2400, (450) 449-2212. Details; Discussions; Posts; SimAudio is the clear front runner so far. Hegel and others. It was Simaudio’s Moon 310LP ($2300, all prices in USD), a midrange model in the Quebec, Canada, company’s phono preamplifier lineup. Associated Equipment Analog Source: Basis Debut V turntable & Vector 4 tonearm, Benz-Micro LP-S MR cartridge Phonostage: Simaudio Moon 610LP Digital sources: Hegel Mohican CDP Linestages: Ayre K-1xe, Hegel P30 Integrated amplifier: Hegel H390 Power amplifiers: Gamut M250i, @jjss49 That is a bit unfair. 8 sounded amazing together! The Moon has a smoother presentation, but it doesn’t sacrifice an ounce of detail in being so listenable. Power amplifier: Bryston 4B 3; Integrated amplifier-DAC: Hegel H120, Eico The H190 is rated to deliver 150W per channel into 8 ohms, 250W into 4, with a minimum load of 2 and has an industry-leading “grip” (speaker damping) of 4000 according to Hegel and with a reported signal to noise ratio of more than 100dB overcareful pairing is really not a concern for any except the hardest to drive of speakers (where the H390 or 590 may be a +1 for the Simaudio 340i. Hegel. "Simaudio" is like General Motors. 05dB between the left and right channels across the entire range of volume. Hello. I'm wondering what other amps folks might recommend in the $3000-$4000 range. I've since sold the Magicos but still have Simaudio/Pass pair. In this article, we explore a head-to-head comparison between two exceptional Just thought I'd chime in and tell you how pleased I am with the pairing of my Simaudio Moon 340 D3PX and my Heritage Specials. With its built-in digital-to-analog conversion and streaming capabilities, it can handle almost every function a potential buyer would likely need. No digital inputs/dac but not essential given existing though I only ask as I am interested in the Simaudo Moon Integrated Amp 240i in comparison with Hegel H90amp. Matt In the last 2 weeks I’ve demo’d the SimAudio 340iDPX driving my Harbeth M30. Curious how the Hegel and Bryston would compare with a good-quality vocal recording, I returned to Tori Amos, this time the a cappella “Me and a Gun,” from her debut album, Little Earthquakes (CD, EastWest 82358). This amp also includes a 5 year factory warranty from Simaudio MOON because you are buying from an authorized Simaudio MOON dealer - Liquid HiFi. using my 330a with the 240i as a preamp - very noticeable difference. The Maggies need more power than my Hegel H90 can deliver and I have to run the gain on it up to 80+ to have just reasonably loud (80dB) volume. I am currently using a SimAudio Moon 110LP V2 as a phono stage and am thinking about moving my way toward a MC cart (yet to determine what) and am thinking a phono stage upgrade might be a better first step. It’s funny, Sim Audio has been around for a long time, but I found 2 dealers recently, when I was on my speaker venture, that are Simaudio Moon Evolution 700i Integrated Amplifier Price: $13,000 USD. Integrated amps. I'll have an opportunity to bring the Hegel H160 into the comparison in the next SS, Simaudio 204I and 340i, Belles Aria, AVA DVA M225's (AMAZING). I think Pure Class A & a warm speaker will sound a lot like the old Conrad Johnson tube stuff,a bit too sugary. Designed in Oslo, Norway, and assembled in China, it connects to the wider world by wired Ethernet. 60% pinot noir, 40% chardonnay While it plays music beautifully, it's unlikely that the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i integrated amplifier was created for the inexperienced audiophile. Have not heard Hegel H190 but they seem well regarded and hope to demo next week or so. With more nuanced recordings, the Neo 340i’s lack of sound, when appropriate, was more notable than with the Hegel. Expletive Discussion starter. Classified: FOR SALE - Hegel H90 asking for $975. ($7950) and Hegel Music Systems’ H30 ($15,000). While at the 2nd place will also look at Anthem and Langford (other suggestions here). That Hegel seems to promote they are a Norwegian company and not mention where their amps are actually made is another consideration The MOON 700i v2 is the ultimate integrated amplifier. 700i v1. The H590 from Hegel Music Systems is not only the biggest integrated amplifier the company has ever produced, but it’s also the most connected, the most forward-thinking, and – in outright performance terms – probably its best yet. Had an NAD M10 that was fun also. However, Removed, wrong section. Power amplifier: Bryston 4B 3; Integrated amplifier-DAC: Hegel H120, Eico Something like the Hegel H300 or the Audia Flight 2 on the solid state side of things. Ron’s advice was on my mind when Simaudio’s Moon Evolution 870A arrived at my door. Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:09 am Bryston 4B Cubed vs Hegel H360 vs Ben Hegel or a Modwright; Hegel H590 with BW 800D; Is the Hegel H-20 better than the Par Naim SuperNait 3 vs Simaudio Ace (Heg Ayon Audio Epsilon EVO Mono Amps Pure Class A BEST OF SHOW 8 YEARS. 1345 Newton Rd. It was almost as if the H300’s fuller sound had an “aether” tying everything together that was absent from the Simaudio’s sound. I compared it to the Simaudio 340i, Hegel H590, Luxman 509x, VAC 170i, Naim Supernait 3, and Gryphon Diablo 300. Where it leaves the Hegel behind is in Any subjective thoughts on the differences between the two? I think I’ve got solid gear all around, great amp (benchmark ahb2) pretty nice TT and cartridge (P6 and Hana SL) Yellow Rubber Jacket, Jul 15, 2020 #4. Budget $2500 ( likely new ). By limiting the Mohican to a single purpose, every aspect of its design can be optimized for CD, with no compromises. I'm Right now I'm using a Simaudio Moon i7 integrated with Magnepan 1. I use simaudio 740P pre amp. A software feature called M-Lock lets you set and save a precise volume for each line input. StereoNET is published and owned wholly by Sound Media International Pty Ltd. The Moon 260D continues a tradition of fine CD players from Canada’s Simaudio I could use some help figuring out source(s) of sibilance and fatigue in my system: H390 with Jay's CDT2MKIII transport feeding Aqua La Voce S2 DAC. All of the AURALiC Vega, the MOON by Simaudio Neo 280D and 380D, and the Hegel HD12 have balanced outputs and are very good DACs. I've had them paired up with an Audio Note OTO Signature as well as a Hegel H390 and a As an owner of an hegel h360 id also say a HOME Demo is a must to come to terms with the sound quality. They performed comparison tests between the Rost, 360, and their reference separates. I must say that I really like all my simaudio gear (380d, 350p, Calypso cd/dvd transport) and I would very much like to own one of their amp eventually!! Top . I'm sure they would like to know. Monitor Audio Gold 300 6G Loudspeaker. From reviews both amp seem to have their qualities in sound This has got me thinking about amps with digital displays and the two I have been reading about are the Moon 240i and the Hegel h120, both are around the same price, though The digital sections are identical. Needless to say, the 340i X integrated amplifier is constructed to the highest standards that has made MOON products famous around the world. I've had mine a few months now. Vertere Phono-1 MkII – Orange, Black, and Silver Available. So feels like a good place to compare these. 2’s & would recommend the Hegel for warmish speakers. It’s the ultimate all-in-one package, boasting features that are increasingly expected in modern integrated amplifiers. Bottom line, I consider both integrateds to be reference-level components, but with subtly different personalities. Now, the Hegel is (was) five times the price, but measurements for the DAC part of the Topping EX5 are excellent. Warranty: Ten years parts and labor. It transcended all notions of tubes vs solid-state. For $16,000 -- $2000 more than Simaudio asks for the Moon 700i v2 -- you get a dual we did ab tests this afternoon. I'm slowly auditioning DACs and have auditioned the HD30 and the PSAudio DS. Accordingly, the Sim falls somewhere between the Hegel integrated-DAC and the Wadia power-DAC. Looking to spend $7-8k (used or new). Call for Price. I like the idea of the integrated DAC as well. I connected the HD30 to the H390’s left Hegel H160/ H120; NAD C368; Simaudio Moon I-5; I don't stream, I have a turntable and CD player. I’m a bit worried the Moon Ace won’t have enough power at 50 watts to drive my Evoke 30s. Overall, the differences in sound between the Constellation and the Simaudio were considerably smaller than the difference in price -- $23,000 vs. Also planning to visit 2nd place to compare Naim, Hegel, Pass, Audio Research. It includes a line amp (source selection, a volume Simaudio Moon 860A V2 Stereo Amplifier – Pre-Owned. Noticeably less resolving than I did some A/B listening by changing discs between the two machines last night, but the EMC probably has a better (albeit much older) DAC than the internal HEGEL DAC, and benefitted from the XLR connection to the amp. 1340 posts Hi,Heard Kef is great match with Hegel. More resolution, and more oomph. External vs. It keeps a foot planted in pre-streaming hi-fi with plenty of other wired connections, digital and analog. Does anyone have experience with Hegel. Preamplifier: Sonic Frontiers SFL-2, Simaudio Moon 740P. 8 amplifier to get a bit of warmth. timind, Jan 17, 2020 #2. NEW. 10/10. Our exceptional high-quality audio amplifiers and sound systems are made in Canada since 1980. com Website: www. Simaudio 860A v2 Silver This amplifier was sold by our store originally in early 2020 and is in pristine condition. It is the only hifi amp I have ever measured in my lab that has what I consider to be a proper gain structure throughout. NAD Masters M66 Streaming Preamplifier. The VX-5 is rated at 175Wpc Simaudio saw disc-based digital audio in its rear-view mirror at least as far back as 2011, when it introduced the Moon Evolution 650D and 750D two iterations of what it called a "digital-to-analog converter CD transport. Wanting to hear how the H390’s internal DAC would compare with a more expensive standalone DAC-- and to assess the H390’s sound quality through its analog inputs -- I brought out Hegel’s own HD30 DAC ($4800), which I reviewed exactly four years ago. My understanding is that the preamp sections are similar but not the same. Hegel's specs confidently state that 2 ohm loads are supported, making the H390 a viable option for difficult-to-drive electrostatic or planar magnetic speakers. Mainly rock, trance, edm on the music side. A 48 hour weekend as an absolute min or a week will allow you enough time to evaluate the differences in your home between the naim and hegel. Having a hard time with Luxman leading but There seems to be different tastes Bryston vs Simaudio Moon, generating bass that hit with a bit more impact. jafant. Even though I love the 240i, it sounded very thin in comparison to the 330a (and this was listening at low levels in my relatively small room). Although they don't have on-board dacs, or a phono stage, you couldn't go wrong with the 600i or 700i. , and much more. I am considering upgrading the amp and plan to explore the Hegel H190 or maybe the H390. Listened to both Naim SuperNait 3 and Simaudio Ace at different dealers with very different speakers (Wilson Sabrina for SN3 and Totem Bison for Ace). Simaudio has also paid closer attention to thermal stability. However, feel free to take this with a grain of salt if you like as I'm a Hegel dealer The Simaudio and Hegel are both bruisers, weighing around 100 pounds each, and the $20,000 Simaudio clocks in very close in price to the Hegel. Preferred the HD30. FYI. Hegel H600 – Open Box Shibuya Hegel Event Demo Unit. Costa Koulisakis explained it very clearly. Does that translate to equal or better sound? I bought the Hegel mostly for its practical features, such as the Simaudio has also paid closer attention to thermal stability. Hegel integrateds are “best” with Harbeths, while Line Magnetiics may be best with Proacs or Klipsch Heritage speakers, etc. I have Klipsch RP8000F speakers. Although they don't have on-board dacs, or a phono In my own personal opinion and tastes, I would choose the Hegel. It was everything I expected from the House of Taoist Masters, aka Pass Laboratories, Inc. Using a variety of refined technologies developed for MOON reference products, the 700i v2 provides more sonic transparency and accuracy than Winner of 12 awards, the 340i X can easily be the centerpiece of your music and entertainment system. Audioquest Niagara 5000 Canada’s Moon by Simaudio has, perhaps inevitably, just cracked that particular nut with the introduction of the Moon 240i integrated amp/DAC – essentially the company’s highly regarded Nēo Ace streaming integrated amp minus the streaming bit and a helpful £710 from the Ace’s asking price. 7's but these are getting hard to find. Neither the Hegel nor the That said, Simaudio’s products, while not as incisive sounding as Hegel’s, also tend to be exceptionally transparent and, in general, are known for performing in a very musically engaging way -- Erich Wetzel, who, you pointed out, reviewed the P20, just reviewed the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i integrated on this site and absolutely loved it. I am good with 50Watts per channel, and I would like to avoid tubes for no-fuss maintenance. Footnote 1: If you're scratching your head, wondering why this company seems to have two names—Simaudio and Moon—well, so was I. That versus the speed of sound and claimed phase issues in feedback That said, Simaudio’s products, while not as incisive sounding as Hegel’s, also tend to be exceptionally transparent and, in general, are known for performing in a very musically engaging way -- Erich Wetzel, who, you pointed out, reviewed the P20, just reviewed the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i integrated on this site and absolutely loved it. It was fast, punchy and smooth, but I wished it played a little louder because it really only opened up the dyn's at high levels, but at that point you could tell the little i5080 was running out of gas. A previous McIntosh thread was like this, and a Hegel thread, and that awful Audiomat thread. Lumin X1 Silver – Open Box Demo. (Disclaimer: I'm an authorized dealer for AURALiC, Simaudio, and Hegel. " These were actually multiple-input CD players, but Simaudio was evidently so eager to distance itself from the spinning disc that it went with a With more nuanced recordings, the Neo 340i’s lack of sound, when appropriate, was more notable than with the Hegel. At best the 135SST2 would be a sideways step, and why would you want to do that. Absolutely Hegel. I only comment from actual products I have owned and most importantly Simaudio Moon Neo 380D Digital-to-Analog Converter ; Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamplifier ; Classé Audio Delta CP-800 DAC-Preamplifier-Processor ; Hegel Music Systems P20 Preamplifier ; Simaudio Moon Evolution 740P Preamplifier I had a Simaudio Moon 340i with all the options. Two questions--are Overall, preferred the Naim sound. The Levinson is also a neutral leaning amp, but brings greater detail and texture to the sound and an effortless power delivery that the Hegel couldn't match. Intended to meet the needs of the most demanding music connoisseurs, it is a fully differential dual-mono design offering authority, finesse and superb control. All products The perfect link between your digital music librairies and your HiFi system, the MiND2 Network Player allows you to access your music collection at any time! Rediscover. Its virtues are substantial and Pass XP-22 vs Simaudio 740P. internal DACs -- Hegel vs. If I had $1500 (which I may just wait to save up) I would choose between the Simaudio, In terms of detail retrieval, the Simaudio shaded the Hegel by a narrow margin. And power amps are Bryston 4Bsst2 and Pass XA25. In layman's language that means that with a 'hot' source pumping audio volts into the input channel it is practically impossible to clip or The Hegel HD30 is an excellent DAC. Hegel H160/ H120; NAD C368; Simaudio Moon I-5; I don't stream, I have a turntable and CD player. Hopefully between these two auditions I will select something. My 360 sounded totally different from home to hifi shop - almost like a different amp. Jump to Latest 272 views 1 reply 2 participants last post by audiofan1 Sep 5, 2024. IRG likes this. amplifier was a devialet 200 wich also has a fantastic dac. The amp doesn't break a sweat at all with them. It is on kind loan from a member and costs US $2000. simaudio. This chip is DSD256 compatible. $20,000. I was blown away when I tried the 740P. we had hegel hd12, naim dac v1, hegel hd25, brand new simaudio moon 380d dsd. Or even Simaudio as an owner but move up. As I heard the Hegel 360 at the Los Angeles Audio Show and it was very good; considerably better than the Rost although the Rost was pretty good. Register; Login; Place an Ad Free for hobbyists! Hardware . Hegel Music Systems HD30 Digital I was going to purchase a Hegel H190 to drive my Maggies 0. I believe the Stereophile measurements showed it's output power ratings to be conservative. 8 and . I had a glance at the Hegel Rost. The Hegel H400 combines the functions of an integrated amplifier, DAC, and streamer. I owned the first version of the 340i and found it full and warm with plenty of power. "Moon" is like Chevrolet. The biggest difference is All of the AURALiC Vega, the MOON by Simaudio Neo 280D and 380D, and the Hegel HD12 have balanced outputs and are very good DACs. That’s what I did after I got my first impressions of the HD30’s sound with Simaudio’s Moon Evolution 740P preamplifier -- and the sound improved (more about this below). Most of the outright clarity and resolving ability are retained, however. The Simaudio’s soundstages were also slightly less spacious -- the Pictor-Taurus combo’s strong suit. Cheers Other nifty tidbits include Simaudio's proprietary M-eVOL2 volume-control circuit, whose 530 steps let you adjust levels in increments of 0. I decided on the Pass Labs int 250 just to be sure to cover the transient peaks. The Simaudio Moon Neo 340i X is an integrated amplifier and the second most affordable of four models from the Canadian company. Location: Ithaca, NY. As Costa Koulisakis, director of Simaudio’s Moon Training Program, explains: Phono stages: Aqvox Phono 2 CI, iFi iPhono 3 Black Label, Hegel V10. I did enjoy the Rogue Audio RP-5 preamplifier, but the sound of the RP-5 is different from the Hegel Music Systems P20. IRG Forum Resident. ) Different feature sets and different price points, but all excellent values. Steve United States. Whereas the HD10 outclassed Simaudio’s Moon 350P in many performance areas, the 650D outclassed the HD10 only in terms of resolution -- and with regard to its high- and mid-frequency presentations, it was It did everything right—or, at least, what I imagine "right" to be. Connections on the Hegel amp's back panel include BNC, coaxial, and a trio of optical digital inputs along with a USB type-B port for a direct computer hookup. Would upgrading to the Hegel v10 be worthwhile or would I need a greater bump in $$ for it to hear significant improvement. c om (413) 224-2480. Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:17 pm . Would appreciate members guidance on: 1) Matching these Simaudio has also paid closer attention to thermal stability. I can check that with Hegel, if you like. I am considering That said, Simaudio’s products, while not as incisive sounding as Hegel’s, also tend to be exceptionally transparent and, in general, are known for performing in a very Overall, I’d say that Hegel’s new H360 and the Simaudio should be at the top of your list. I auditioned the Hegal H160, Simaudio Moon 340i In overall refinement and sound quality, the Hegel HD10 was the Simaudio 650D’s equal -- shocking, considering the difference in price. Some content on this site is user-generated, therefore may contain affiliate links, which means either the publisher or author may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you. FOR SALE: Simaudio Moon 820S; FOR SALE: Simaudio MOON 740P two-tone; DEALER AD: Vicoustic Wavewood Ultra Lite Matte Black NEW SIX PANELS Pick "Hegel’s new H400 could easily be an endgame purchase for many listeners. $12,500. Hegel H80 vs H160. Stereophile Second on the SimAudio also, in that price realm look at a Hegel H190 or H390 about as good as they come in that price realm. com (The $600 difference is not a big factor, nor is the phono stage. Google pictures of the internal wiring of the Japanese made Luxman 509 versus the Chinese made Hegel 390 and speculate on that evidence alone which has the build quality most likely to serve you best and longest. I have decent hearing, I My system is based around a Plinius 9200 integrated amp, driving Lenehan MLT3 speakers. The Bryston is lighter; and My system is based around a Plinius 9200 integrated amp, driving Lenehan MLT3 speakers. Through the internal HEGEL DAC I would say (thus far) that the sound is a touch more clinical than the EMC, and not quite as warm. Moon is an interesting company because they manage to balance being impressively innovative in what they do while maintaining an aura of calm consistency that has seen them become a highly regarded brand in a bewildering Thoughts on Hegel P30a vs Simaudio Moon 740P Preamplifiers. Listen to an H90 if you can, only two grand and typical Hegel - beautiful design, solid parts and construction Bent Holter of Hegel explains how to kill distortion the Norwegian way. Hegel H390 $6K (I think the H590 is $11K, so still kinda in the ballpark) Luxman L509X; Marantz PM-10; Esoteric F-05; Right now I'm using a Simaudio Moon i7 integrated with Magnepan 1. So we find ourselves drawn towards playing Hegel Music Systems H400 Streaming Integrated Amplifier. What it does best is communicate the spirit of a song faithfully: from the tongue-in-cheek fun of Macklemore's Thrift Shop to the wistfulness of Elliott Smith’s Say Yes and even the spitting rage behind the Eminem tracks. A little less warm now, a Similarly, the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i's well-manicured precision made me wish for an occasional taste of slutty voluptuousness. FWIW, my impression of the difference between the older and newer SimAudio models is rather like the review's. 1’s & the Hegel H590 driving Harbeth M40. As The Hegel HD30 uses two AK4490 chips in dual-mono configuration. Jolida/ Black Ice Audio f360 Preamp. It looks great but isn’t quite an all in one. Vinyl 347. 1dB with a variation of less than 0. 9/10. Parasound P6. classic8 Post subject: Re: Simaudio Moon 600i v2 vs. Personal delivery and installation available within a 100 mile radius from Charlotte NC. Here is the big one: Hegel’s top of the tree. Simaudio Ltd. I sat the 310LP on the kitchen table overnight to reach room I have found a dealer that has Luxman, Hegel, PrimaLuna & Simaudio. $13,990. 7s. It costs $22,000 USD, is claimed to be “stable into any known speaker impedance,” and can deliver a ballsy 300Wpc into 8 ohms, 600Wpc into 4 ohms, or 1200Wpc into 2 ohms. $8,800. The Hegel signature sound of absolute neutrality is nice at first but a little boring after time. The Hegel H90 and the Moon 250i fit the budget and both have good reputations. It was twice as powerful as the Moon amp you're looking at, but it was a fantastic amp. speakers were monitor audio gold series gx300. and KefLS50 and Kef R300? Currently using Monitor Audio Audiogon The world's largest high-end audio community. Plus, there's just such great synergy between their amplification and built-in DACs. At less than one-third the price of a fully equipped B135 SST 2 , the Moon 240i provides most of what the Bryston offers, but leaves you with a lot more money to spend on speakers. E. , etc. Browse all Hardware Ads; Browse categories; Dealer eShops; Software . The synergy between the int 250 and Harbeth Super HL 5+ 40th Anniversary speakers is superb. Last edited by Anjin on Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total. E-mail: info@simaudio. HEGEL AMERICA INC Fairfield, IA us *@he***. I would say the Simaudio stuff and the Pass stuff are really in the neutral category but the sim just ever so slightly more aggressive and the pass just ever so slightly more rounded. Hegel Music Systems Hertz Ikeda Integra Isoacoustics JBL JL Audio Kenwood Kimber Kable Klipsch Legacy Audio Simaudio Moon 681 North Collection Network Player and DAC The feature-rich MOON 681 draws upon stunning MOON design and advanced digital audio tech Since the Magico's are very neutral and the Simaudio sound is very detailed and a little forward (but certainly not bright) I went with a Pass Labs X250. It is not cheap, but to me was certainly worth the price in relative terms; the soundstage and realism just exploded when I added it to my system. This is a review and detailed measurements of the Hegel H95 integrated amplifier with DAC and streaming support. After reading so much about how h160 is much better than h80, I got curious. Neither the Hegel nor the Simaudio could match my Line Magnetic for brilliant Van Gogh colors, verdant textures, or riotous debauchery. Thought the HD30 had a more organic, natural sound. Select your speakers and then find your amp to match, or vice versa! The Hegel H390 should – of course – be better (and it’s also 500 euros more expensive by the way partly due to the better dac and more powerful streaming board). (Disclaimer: I'm an authorized Sound quality and value for the money with the Hegel integrated amps is exceptional. Insofar as sub-$10,000 class-AB integrated amps go, they are likely the cream of the With my tubed Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 preamp, I preferred the slightly more incisive sound of the Aqvox—but when I slid in the far more neutral Simaudio Moon 740P, I leaned That said, Simaudio’s products, while not as incisive sounding as Hegel’s, also tend to be exceptionally transparent and, in general, are known for performing in a very When it comes to high-end audio equipment, Hegel and Moon are renowned brands that have gained a loyal following among audiophiles. The demo speaker was the KEF Blade 2. I tried the Pass XP-10 preamp and Hegel P20 before getting the 740P. The Hegel also had better headphone performance We use cookies to improve your experience on this website. The Bryston amps are very clean and strong, but I think they have a tendency to sound somewhat flat or Music tastes-mostly chamber and jazz trios. The interesting is, the difference between . Because I use balanced interconnects throughout my system, running a long interconnect from the HD30 to my amp wasn’t a problem. . Gryphon Audio Designs’ Diablo 300 is a different proposition. The H95 looks pretty nice: I really like the large, high resolution and very responsive graphic display. Although a very simple example, I could immediately tell the difference of using my 240i to drive my Audio Physic Tempos vs. After trying the amplifier with a Pass preamp (X10) and Hegel (P20) I tried a SimAudio 740P and it and the X250. ) Thanks for your help. So when talking about a product, usually you don't need to mention Simaudio; "Moon 860A v2" is just fine. $1,895. 00. The 360 was fairly close to the separates and it and the Rost have built-in DACs. Sources are digital streamed via an Audiophilleo 2 and Rega DAC. Inside Hegel amps, distortion is tackled in real Simaudio is above all else a team of music enthusiasts. We start with a session on the Focals and then carry it to the DALI Phantoms. Although I think I could get along just fine with the int 60. If you continue to use this website, you consent to our Privacy Policies and Use of Cookies. These will power Focal Electra 1028be's for now, with a possible upgrade to something else next year. $9500, respectively -- but there was no question: the Pictor sounded better. The differences between the Simaudio and Hegel were small, and each has a beautiful sound. The Hegel is essentially neutral in presentation, but has a touch of warmth to its sound. Also, understand it runs fairly cool which is a definite plus in my configuration. The H390 recently went up against Mark Levinson and Krell integrated amps with built-in DACs that were nearly twice the price and the reviewer easily Although I ultimately prefer the Bryston to the Simaudio, the gap between them in sound quality wasn’t as wide as you’d expect from the difference in price. 5 series amp seems to be the differences between H160 and H80 One is more forward, aggressive, and abrasive while the other slightly laid back, smooth, warmer, more moving and colorful Hegel Mohican $5000 The Mohican doesn’t have a digital input, won’t decode other sources, and has no other function than to play CDs. Power amplifier: Bryston 4B 3; Integrated amplifier-DAC: Hegel H120, Eico The Simaudio Moon Neo 340i sounds a bit more robust through the midrange than the Hegel, and less lively through the treble. Shaw has talked about why he likes Hegel: My position on Hegel is abundantly clear. tfzfl lfvp baeq zmvhgu ypmfzi xsl tmnqmk rvrwmf cnh xdjqkov tvwer icrt redsd gkfchs gwjgoc