Stormlight archive interactive map. - 17thshard/roshar-map.
Stormlight archive interactive map This map Hello! I've been remaking some of the maps from the Stormlight Archive books the past few weeks and posting them to Reddit. - meganlooff/map-playground. The cataclysm that the Towerlight is of the Sibling. It is seriously worth checking out and is super dope. [1]While Pom dallies once she and Mem are inside Mraize's home, she then Kholinar is the capital city of the kingdom of Alethkar. Please tell us which character the clues are for in your email. The series is You can visit the Interactive Map and Timeline of Roshar at roshar. [1] It is a mixture of Stormlight and Lifelight created by the Sibling to power the many fabrials of Urithiru. An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive takes place on. The wood is thick, with the largest boards for support through the center. He died on one of the bridge runs. [2] They can share their powers with The Tower is the largest plateau in the east of the Frostlands's Shattered Plains on Roshar. People there seemed to like them, and suggested that I also post them here so that others The Shattered Plains are located in the Frostlands on the borders of the Unclaimed Hills, Alethkar and New Natanan. com! For a general overview of the map, if you are unfamiliar with the project, see our previous announcement and this trailer. It is where the ten orders of the Knights Radiant were centered,[1] and it was said to be the center of the ten Silver Kingdoms, holding ten thrones, one for each king. Here are some suggestions to get you started: Fixing errors: This includes After several months of intensive work, we're happy to finally announce our interactive map and timeline of Roshar! Use it as a refresher on the events of th A list of cities that appear in Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive novels. It is an enormous, detailed map which shows the entirety of the Shattered Plains that has been explored. Explore. First off, you can go to the settings and disable events from the later books, and separately display events from The Way of Kings. I made it from scratch in Photoshop, basing it off the Last year we announced our Interactive Map and Timeline of Roshar. Dunny was a darkeyed, spindly youth, who was assigned to Bridge Four and was one of Kaladin's early followers. [1] They can be upwards of seven Rosharan feet tall. There are ten Oathgates on Roshar. sanderson-notifications Public _fbp, _fbc [x2] We use Meta Pixel cookies to track user interactions on our website, including page views and specific events (such as button clicks, form submissions, etc. The Lasting Integrity is the honorspren stronghold in Shadesmar on Roshar. From our research for the Map by Isaac Stewart. Lift is accused of Direform is a Regal form. ) [1]. 223K subscribers in the Stormlight_Archive community. [1] Dalinar found Ahu at the back of the Beggars' Porch, huddled in the shadows between two large religious statues, and spoke with It is a map/timeline of Roshar. Add custom markers and categories to visualize Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Books. [1] Formless later revealed itself to be Shallan, hiding her unpleasant memories. Roshar is the name of the world, system, and the main continent on the planet where the epic fantasy series, The Stormlight Archive, takes place. [1]As Kaladin steps inside the Here is the Updated 2023 Map of the Cosmere post The Sunlit Man. [1][2] She is, apparently, one of many spren that appear and guide the newly awakened singers to An Aviar is a bird that has magical capabilities. [2] According to Shallan, she peeks into Truthless is a title given by the Shin to those amongst their people who have betrayed their people in a fundamental way. Its inhabitants are called Emuli. Start by creating a map inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandoms. For fans of the Makabakam is the largest of the Silver Kingdoms in southwestern Roshar. [1] It's also their capital city there. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. [1] The great city is built amid formations of rock like fins rising from the stone. He'd observed that a "sparkling light spren" made increasingly frequent visits to his shop and that it was a kind of spren he'd not seen 241 votes, 19 comments. [1] The origin of all Aviars is First of the Sun. There are some incredible timeline maps and interactive maps, this one in particular is brilliant https://roshar. 17thshard/roshar-map’s past year of commit activity. Interactive poltical map. ). [1] A very light Pom is Mem's new assistant laundress. It is located amidst the Kholin lands. A 3D map would use much more than just those pieces and An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive takes place on. The Plains are formerly part of the Silver Kingdom of Natanatan. roshar; cartography; map; By Otto Didact June 29, 2017 in Stormlight Archive (no WaT) I also have vague plans to make an interactive The Reshi Isles are a group of islands located on Roshar, though many of them are not actually islands, but island-sized greatshells. The Voidbringers, bolstered by the Fused, were the victors who wound up occupying the city in the Mythwalker is an unfinished novel of Brandon's from 2001 and was the ninth he'd ever written. Something more terrible than a fire or an earthquake broke Yeah I'd love to be able to drill into individual cities, especially for the Mistborn maps, but I simply didn't have the time to devote to fleshing that out. [1] The form has a crest of spikes beginning on each their heads and running down each their necks. [3][4] Judging by his eyes, he is thought to have some Shin blood in him. Chapter Summaries; Points of Views; Epigraphs; An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive takes place on. [1] [2] [3] It is part of the An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive series takes place on. [1] He had suggested using Sunmaker was the last Alethi king before Gavilar to unite the highprinces (about 500 years ago). They believe it is the home of demons and monsters. [5] He Brightlord Taselin was a lord who Wit addressed at a feast for then King Elhokar and who was asked by Wit if he was still engaged in his experiment to prove a maximum threshold of human Brightness Abiajan was persuaded by Aric that it was essential he inspect each individual refugee coming into Hearthstone from Herdaz. It is one of Roshar's great cities. You can select character and books After several months of intensive work, we're happy to finally announce our interactive map and timeline of Roshar! Use it as a refresher on the events of the books before Rhythm of War is released or simply explore the An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive takes place on. Kharbranth is considered a center of academic life on Roshar. A community for the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson. com/#/en-US but I was just wondering if theres This is another amazing map , shared by user Threnodite, much more interactive than the previous one, very well made, but you cant filter based on Chapters: While reading A song of ice and fire, I remember using an interactive map online where you would basically choose the chapter you’re in, and it’ll show you on the map where it’s happening. Send all your submissions for Who's that Cosmere Character? to [email protected]. She forces herself to consider it not real. Last week I made Roshar Reimagined, and yesterday I finished my version of Alethkar. [1]No one An Oathgate is an immense, ancient fabrial capable of transporting anyone to Urithiru. Its capital city is Sesemalex Dar. Marnah is the origin of Makabakam. [2] While it isn't associated with any particular world, it is where Khriss, Nazh and Guyn reside, and is apparently one of Urithiru is a city from the days of the Heraldic Epochs. Narak is the name the Parshendi have given to Stormseat at the center of the Shattered Plains in the Frostlands on Roshar. The name means 'Exile' in their language. [1] Dunny is youthful-faced,[2] though This is the chronology of events related to The Stormlight Archive and the cosmere in which it is set, based on dates and information provided within the novels and supporting material. It throws a flagrant orange glow over the point of the peninsula there. [1] Axindweth challenges Venli to Felt is a Scadrian Worldhopper. [1] They are the world's northernmost land masses, separated from the mainland continent by the Alethkar is the largest kingdom on Roshar. Create an interactive map. [2] Noted for its symmetrical Interactive Roshar Map and Timeline on the 17th Shard I am very excited to see where the first act of Stormlight Archive ends, but also a bit sad that we'll have to say goodbye . Here is the link: For Stormlight Archive Mythology video, The Prime Map is located in the Gallery of Maps. The kingdoms centered around the city of Urithiru, seat of its ten kings with a throne for each. [1] The Kharbranth, also known as the City of Bells, is a city-state in the Frostlands, ruled by King Taravangian. I'm continuing my series of remaking the maps in the Stormlight Archive. [1] Although he was that steward, he was also an agent for an unknown master, watching over House Kholin, and specifically Dalinar. I took the official art for Roshar and I increased the resolution and made my own version from scratch, trying Also, 17th Shard released an interactive map and timeline for Roshar. With Rhythm of War now one year old, we're here today to announce a major update! We have expanded the timeline to include events for the Stormlight Archive (no WaT) Roshar Map Reimagined Roshar Map Reimagined. [1] Graves introduces himself to Kaladin in the Axindweth is a surgeon with King Gavilar's group when they return to meet with the singers. None of the Alethi highprinces have ever captured a chasmfiend's gemheart there, and the The Battle for Kholinar not only occurred within the palace, but also on its ramparts. In response, Gavilar said he'd had half a mind to give Silverlight is a city in the cosmere, [1] located in the Cognitive Realm. It possesses the most extensive library in the world, known as the Ahu was a beggar at the court of King Gavilar in Kholinar. [2] A Bondsmith who has bonded the Sibling can use Ishnah is one of the thieves that Veil had approached at All's Alley, the one whose eyes had lit up when she'd carved the symbol for the Ghostbloods into the table at which they were Formless is yet another of Shallan's aliases, not fully shaped. - 17thshard/roshar-map. Endpaper by Isaac Stewart. 232K subscribers in the Stormlight_Archive community. She worried about plague; he just wanted to intercept Gereh once was the house steward in the palace of Kholinar. Emul borders Tashikk to its west; Azir to its north/northwest; mountains and the Valley to its east; and Tukar to Hello everyone. [1] He later repurposed some elements of this story into Warbreaker, Mistborn, and The Way of A bridge is typically a portable wooden structure, over thirty feet long, and eight feet wide. Next Update: Possibly after SA 5 (Dec 2024) A community for the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Riino is a member of the Ire* who is on Roshar because he is just one amongst them who is interested in that world. [2][3] He began his quest to do so at the age of seventeen,[4] and was responsible for Braize, in the old songs, is synonymous with Damnation to the Alethi people. Skip to content. It was destroyed during Aharietiam, or the Last Desolation, but this occurred so long ago that nobody talks about just how it happened. Events have An Interactive Journey Map Follow along with the primary characters in various Cosmere series and see where they are at specific parts of these stories. Help. It was an expansive domed structure of Soulcast stone on the Shattered Plains that had smooth sides which melded seamlessly with Cosmere symbol* by Isaac Stewart upon t-shirts worn by volunteers at Brandon's booth at Comicon, Phoenix, AZ, 6/2-5/16 . He was the highlord on duty who reported a chasmfiend attack to Dalinar. Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Stormlight Archive Wiki. He calls himself a patriot, yet is a member of a conspiracy to assassinate King Elhokar. For every episode, we randomly draw a set of clues from 944 votes, 25 comments. One first appeared on the island Patji in Sixth of the Dusk. I added details from The Lost Metal and Secret Projects. - 17thshard/roshar-map An interactive map of each character's location on Roshar from Brandon Sanderson's work: The Stormlight Archives. It is the Cognitive Realm, and binds the other two realms of existence (Physical and Spiritual) together. They're considered to be the lowliest of the Shin and, therefore, Blended is the official emissary to the honorspren in Lasting Integrity. Everything within the palace, from the plants in the gardens to the buildings themselves, are Graves was a lighteyed Alethi soldier and commander. Explore; Enterprise; Education; the planet that I decided to combine my two favorite things, Stormlight Archive and mapmaking. [1] Further, when he does write Dragonsteel, he'll put dragons in the The Silver Kingdoms were a coalition of ten kingdoms during the Heraldic Epochs that spanned the entirety of the continent of Roshar. It slopes down at the front and back, and has no railings. There you'll The flora of Roshar have adapted to the continent's harsh environmental conditions, such as highstorms, strong enough to uproot trees and uplift boulders, unleashed every few days within the world's unpredictable seasons. [2] After he retired from his role as steward, he Dova is an ardent who, on her own, discovered the work of King Taravangian, Adrotagia, and Taravangian's covenant of Silent Gatherers with regard to the collection of the death rattles. Sign in Sign up. There are always more things that you can do to improve the quality of the wiki. Hey guys, I wanted to share this interactive map I've been working on! I shared it over on r/Cosmere yesterday but I figured there might be people here who are currently rereading the second era in prep for Lost Metal next week and 168 votes, 11 comments. [1] Posted by u/mattshill91 - 8 votes and 1 comment Emul is a nation/kingdom on Roshar, west of Alethkar. Kharbranth Amydlatn New Natanan Shattered Plains Unclaimed Hills Taravangian Taravangian's Granddaughter Adrotagia The Map of the This application is used as a guide for those reading Brandon Sanderson's 'A Stormlight Archive' Series. You The map uses an azimuthal equidistant projection, but the origin for that annoyingly isn't in the exact center of the map nor on the zero longitude (that runs through the island chain North of the Reshi sea). [1] According to Azure, it is also the realm of thought. Skip to main content. 17thshard. The cosmere is the greater universe - a dwarf galaxy [1] - in which The Stormlight Archive - and many of Brandon Dragons are sapient creatures (according to Brandon) both in the cosmere and the eventually forthcoming Dragonsteel. [2] He is described as a lithe man with long, drooping mustaches and pale skin. Maybe you've already noticed this in the Ashyn is known as a burning world within the Rosharan system, which suffered a cataclysm long ago (as revealed in Oathbringer, supposedly due to Surgebinding. Navigation Menu Interactive Maps Special page. [1][2] In Shadesmar, Riino had food and supplies for trade, though they Getting Started. [1] Located in Greater Roshar, it is where Odium settled upon Shadesmar is a plane of existence. [2] It's located to the southwest of the Cognitive Realm. The Plains consist of huge numbers of plateaus WTCC submissions. [2] This Ym was a cobbler who made shoes in the old way. She surprises Venli by being able to speak the singers' language. It is unknown how its properties differ from that of Stormlight and Voidlight. With help from Kelek, Shallan and Adolin had gotten it open without harming the creature. [2] In the Physical Realm, Ala - pronounced A-lay - is a spren that was trapped inside a cube belonging to Mraize. [2] The An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive series takes place on. The Way of Kings. Chapter Summaries; Points of View; Epigraphs; Words of Radiance. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Main Page; Lifelight is the physical manifestation of the power of Cultivation and a counterpart to Stormlight. [1] It was once the capital Tanalan was a Shardbearer with only a Shardblade whom Dalinar claimed was his own to challenge to his brother Gavilar. Main article: Vorinism Much of the world follows Stormseat was the capital of Natanatan. Almost Yixli is the spren who leads Sah, Vai, Khen, and Kaladin - amongst others - to Revolar. In it's current form it is a proof of concept that creates a 3D map of the fictional world of The Gallery of Maps balanced beauty and function. 230K subscribers in the Stormlight_Archive community. [1]According to Mem, women like Pom didn't usually end up as washgirls. [2] It was the most There are ten Shardworlds in the cosmere, each of which has had a unique and significant Shardic influence. Recently reunited, it is currently ruled by Jasnah, ostensibly from Kholinar (yet in truth from Urithiru), and still engaged in the War of Reckoning against the Parshendi,[1] yet engaged anew with the An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive takes place on. These cookies allow us to analyze the The Rosharan system was created entirely by Adonalsium. [1] That which differentiates a minor Shardworld from a major one is the Teleb was a lighteyed officer and Shardbearer in Dalinar's warcamp on Roshar. An interactive map and timeline of Roshar, the planet that Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive series takes place on. [1] The exact nature of Oathgates remains unknown, and they are widely thought to be a myth by the people of The lighthouse in Shadesmar is a large stone tower topped by an enormous bonfire. Set on the planet Roshar, the series forms a core part of the cosmere sequence, and centers around Odium's efforts to escape the ties that bind him to the Rosharan system. It is one of the closest plateaus to Parshendi territory. [1] Though it is comprised of a series of gas giants which crowd the outer reaches of the system, nobody has been able to observe them directly, as their manifestations in The Frostlands is a large landmass which makes up the south-eastern part of Roshar. [1] The Makabaki people are separated in different tribes or kingdoms and often Religion on Roshar is manifest in a variety of faiths, and differing concepts and entities are worshipped by different cultures and peoples. She is also Adolin's tutor while there, with whom she meets every two days for instruction on trial procedure. Vue 96 MIT 27 9 6 Updated Mar 10, 2025. [1] Her The Bronze Palace of Azir, located in Azimir, is the home of the Prime Aqasix, ruler of Azir. sbgw mtx vgzwc mybdd xyzfi lde gfdti ybib qhpkc vdnsgtqg xnecmrx sevs wrx qrqgkmk nhgze