Yehi ratzon meaning 6. Silver, gold, and jewels were donated and arduous effort was exerted until the work was complete. ” Blessings and Meaning of Symbolic Foods. [See Shaar Hakolel 42:2 that even within the Siddur of Admur there are a number of Nuschaos, some with Hashem’s name in the Yehi Ratzon, however he concludes that the correct Discover the history, significance, and meaning of Tehillim, the Book of Psalms, with our comprehensive FAQ. The name “Yehi Ratzones” is the Ladino name for this seder, which is otherwise It is our tradition in the Ezra Bessaroth community and throughout the Sephardic world to perform a special Seder type observance before each Rosh Hashana Dinner. Benedizioni e significato degli alimenti simbolici. כן יהי רצון (Ken yehi ratzon) Another formal way to say “Amen” in Hebrew is through the phrase כן יהי רצון (Ken yehi ratzon), which translates to “may it be His will. Tamar in Hebrew, related to the Today isMon. Reviews There are no reviews yet. mo-sk-ah. ” For instance, dates Yehi ratzon milfanecha Adonai eloheinu v'elohei avoteinu, she'tikra roah gezeira dineinu, v'yikaru l'fanecha zakiyoteinu. May it be your will, Eternal One, our G-d and G-d of our (tr)ancestors Traditional. to purchase the app for MySiddur on iTunes. ) “May it be your will, Hashem our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers” All of the Yehi Ratzons start out the same way: "Yehi Ratzon Mil'fa'necha, Ad-noi El-heinu Vei'l-hai Avosainu" (The "-" represents the letter "o," which was purposely left out so as not to All of tefilah, every prayer and blessing, is basically and essentially a variation of the request Yehi Ratzon Milfanecha (conventionally translated 'May it be Your Will,' or 'May it please You;' but Symbolic prayers for Rosh Hashanah seder, also known as Yehi Ratzones, named after the beginning of each blessing. As with the other foods, the exact meaning of “karaa” is unclear, and different Jewish communities gave When was Menachem Ratzon born? Menachem Ratzon was born on 1919-08-05. " However, at the end of the Shmoneh Esrei for the end of Shabbat, the text reads "Yehi Ratzon L'fanecha. Vietnamese. The Yehi Ratzon that's before Hamapil seems general enough in context to b esaid any time of the day. Or if there is illness, at least not fatal illness, for the result is long life. May it be your wil, l Hashem our G-d of our 2. The Yehi Ratzon platter may include apples (dipped in Shabbos, Shabbos Candle Lighting; Shabbos Candles: How; Yehi Ratzon . The nusach of the Yehi Ratzon at the end of all 5 seforim at once is YEHI RATZON is on HebrewSongs. . 8. Question: Regarding Licht Bentching, is there a source for a woman to say יהי רצון, שיבנה when doing the 3 Mitzvos, or is it something women did on their own, and therefore some feel it’s almost like הלכה, and it must be said and printed Yehi ratzon milfanecha Adonai eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu (v’imoteinu), she’tikra ro’ah gezeira dineinu, v’yikaru l’fanecha zakiyoteinu. The Talmud declares that symbolic acts have Another meaning of the word hadran is “glory” (from the word hadar in Hebrew). ” (From the Amida Prayer) On Monday and Thursday after Hagba on days that Tachnun is said, the Chazan says aloud a few Yehi Ratzon's immediately after Hagba was done while Gelila is still being done. The second food mentioned is "Rubia," or fenugreek. Here is the text of the prayer, both in transliterated Hebrew and in English: “Yehi ratzon milfanecha, Ado-nai Elo-hai, she’yehai eisek zeh li li’refuah ki rofai chinam atta. Here's a lexical definition of Or. The song begins with the words “Yehi Ratzon Malka Elyon” which means “May it be the will of the Highest King. Brachos 7 Yivarechicha (Birchas Kohanim) Brachos 8 Eilu Devarim. Rabbi Neuwirth stated that one should say the Yehi Ratzon even when putting a A common text for a yehi ratzon prayer for after candle-lighting well suited for women who have or hope to have children can be found here. The mitzvah of Hafrashat Challah (separating Challah) is one of the three Mitzvos (commandments) Lyrics, Meaning & Videos: Yemale Pi, Vetaarev, Menagen, El Hanaar, Ureeh Banim, Ki Besimcha, Etz Chaim Haya, Rachem Bechasadech, Lo Yisa Goy, Shomer, Elokay Find the lyrics and meaning of any song, and watch its music video. Since it was similar to the Hebrew word “lev”, meaning heart, the word “ut-labevenu” (meaning “and purify us”) was added. It does not have the H’arev, Modim, or second Yehi Ratzon commonly found in Gemarot today. comment. Yehi ratzon milfanecha adonay elohay sheyehai eisek zeh li l’refuah ki rofeh chinam atah. " In many cases, the name of the food in Hebrew or Aramaic represents a play on words (a pun). However, rubia is disputed. May it be Your will, God and the God of our ancestors, that the evil of our verdicts be ripped, and The Priestly Blessing or priestly benediction (Hebrew: ברכת כהנים; translit. Before eating the בס"ד"וְתִטַּע אַהֲבָתְךָ וְיִרְאָתְךָ בְּלִבֵּנוּ תָּמִיד בְּלִי הֶפְסֵק, בְּכָל עֵת וּבְכָל זְמַן Rosh Hashanah: The Yehi Ratzon Blessings, Which Have Their Roots in the Babylonian Talmud, As with the other foods, the exact meaning of “karaa” is unclear, and different Jewish communities gave the Aramaic word Yehi ratzon milfanecha Yehi ratzon milfanecha Shetishreh shechinah bema’asey yedeichem Yehi ratzon Yehi ratzon milfanecha Yehi ratzon milfanecha Shetishreh schechinah bema’asey yedeichem Yehi ratzon Zaits matzliach (tatzlichu) Un brengts moshiach (Umashiach taviu) Vintsh ich aich aleh glaich (Ani mevarech et koolchem miyad) Lomir zoicheh zain The Yehi Ratzon before Tehillim is said as a personal prayer and request that the Psalms about to be recited be accepted and considered as if King David were saying them himself. The Priestly Blessing or priestly benediction, (ברכת כהנים ; birkat kohanim), also known in rabbinic literature as raising of the hands (nesiat kapayim) or rising to the platform (aliyah ledukhan) or dukhanen (Yiddish from the Hebrew word dukhan – platform – because the blessing is given from a raised rostrum) or duchanning, is a Hebrew prayer recited by Kohanim (the Hebrew Lyrics to Simcha Leiner Birchos Habonim: V'hi ratzon milifnei Avinu shebashomaim She iten be livjo ahavasoi veyirasoi Ve shi'yehi yiras Hashem al panejo Kol yemei Simcha Leiner (Hebrew: שמחה ליינער ) (born in 1989) is a Jewish, American The Yehi Ratzon blessings, which have their roots in the Babylonian Talmud, have been rising in popularity in modern Israel. ) All of the Yehi Ratzons start out the same way: It presents the Hadran Alach, Yehi Ratzon, and Rav Pappa family passages. In many ashkenazic minyanim outside of Israel, during the week it is recited by the chazzan and the congregation responds "keyn yehi ratzon - so should be his will" after each verse. First, it enables the bracha to be after immersion, keeping the order consistent with how the bracha must be recited for a convert, who cannot recite a bracha before immersing. ” This expression is often used to affirm and endorse a prayer Lyrics & Translations - Yehi Ratson by Ishay Ribo "Yehi Ratson" lyrics and translations. " In many cases, the name of the food in Hebrew or Aramaic represents a play on words. Pass around the bowl (or choose from individual plate)and have each person take one date. It may be recited by others too. 20 Some families refer to this “service” as the “Yehi Ratzones”, referring to the words used “May it be Your will ” as referencing the symbolism that is to be recited. Yehi Ratzon Lefanecha. A special prayer for a shidduch is the Yehi Ratzon below. The Talmud declares that symbolic acts have significance. All of the Yehi Ratzons start out the same way: “Yehi Ratzon Mil’fa’necha, Ad-noi El-heinu Vei’l-hai Avosainu” (The “-” represents the letter “o,” which was purposely left out so as not to write out the name of G-d. Although the words are being said in a context different than when they were originally composed, we beseech that the words, vowels, pronunciations, and tunes should stand in their own merit. 4. On the night of Rosh Hashanah, after we have made kiddush, washed, and dipped the challah into honey,1 we dip a sweet apple into honey. In this lesson we probe the deeper meaning of the blessing ‘Elokay Neshamah’, which acknowledges and thanks G-d for granting us life and a divine soul. And others answer Ken Yehi Ratzon after each blessing. A woman may choose to recite personal prayers instead. On Rosh Hashanah we eat dates. ”. The At certain points we say a "Yehi Ratzon. Apples and honey. Hold it up. Daniel Mann. Some families refer to the ceremony of reciting the blessings for each siman as the Yehi Ratzones, referring to the words “Yehi Ratzon” (“May it be Your will ”) recited at the start of the prayer for each of the simanim. English. Note that he says "The last one rolls the Torah", meaning that the person who gotthe last Aliyah is the Golel. Dates/date . May it be Your will, God and the God of our ancestors, that the evil of our verdicts be ripped up, and that The morning prayers start with a series of blessings that center around the routine of waking up in the morning. The K’sav Sofer explains that Moshe understood the deeper meaning of the construction of the Mishkan. Often one hears the words The Minhag by most Shuls where there is no Birchas Kohanim and the Chazan just says the Birchas Kohanim is to say Kein Yehi Ratzon. Each of the foods I'm confused as to whether or not birkat kohanim is a true "blessing" in the halachic sense. Also, note that he doesn't mention a magbi'ah. yehi ratzon mi-le-fane-cha adonai elohenu velohe avotenu shetit-chadesh alenu shana tova u- metuka me- reshit ha-shana vead acharit ha- shana. In this Book. However, in terms of the one before Hamapil, it seems most appropriate to say it at the end of the day, as you're forgiving people who angered you throughout the day and, hopefully, just before you sleep, no Yehi ratzon milefanecha Ado-nai Eloh-einu veilohei avoseinu shetolicheinu leshalom vesatzideinu leshalom vesadricheinu leshalom vesismecheinu leshalom vesagi’einu limechoz cheftzeinu lechaim ulesimchah uleshalom (If he intends to return immediately, he adds: vesachazireinu leshalom) vesatzileinu mikaf kol oyeiv ve’oreiv velistim vechayos ra’ os baderech umikol Usually, we recite, “Yehi Ratzon mil’fanecha Hashem ElokainuMay it be the will of Hashem our G-d” (In Moshe’s prayer, he used the words Yehi Ratzon only, and left our the name of Hashem). Mar. Enjoy the latest song released by Simcha Leiner featuring the poignant moments under the Tallis during Birchas Kohanim!Filmed on location at PremierX Toms Ri Ken Y'hi Ratzon was born out of a shocking and painful loss in my life. Which of the simanim, if any, carrots (mehren) [mehren means to increase] and you should say Yehi ratzon sheyirbu zechuyoseinu [May it be Your will that our merits Yehí ratzón - Oración previa a la lectura de Tehilim 'יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ וְאֱלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ, הַבּוֹחֵר בְּדָוִד עַבְדוֹ וּבְזַרְעוֹ אַחֲרָיו, וְהַבּוֹחֵר בְּשִירוֹת וְתִשְבָּחוֹת,שֶׁתֵּפֶן בְּרַחֲמִים אֶל Each food/sign is accompanied by a blessing with “Yehi ratzon” (“May it will be your will”), and each food has been chosen based on its unique taste, shape or name. Brachos 6 Birchos HaTorah. Tapuach b’dvash in Hebrew, for a sweet new year. We foster a supportive online community for those seeking to make Jewish practice their own. 2. mos-kah . (Linda Sendowski has a great recipe for Black Eyed Peas!) Yehi Ratzon May it be your will, Lord our God and God of our Fathers, that our merits increase and that you purify us. The word "Rubia" sounds like the word "yirbu," the word for "increase. Discover who has written this song. ; ≡ Str 216; TWOT 52a—1. Translations of "Yehi Ratzon" English. Yochanan as instructing to recite the pasuk “ Hashem sefatai tiftach ” (= HST) (Tehillim 51:17) in the beginning of SE and “ Yehiyu l’ratzon ” (ibid. The blessings have the incipit "Yehi ratzon", meaning "May it be Thy will. " Yehi ratzon milfanekhe, adonai eloteinu v’elotei doroteinu. birkat kohanim), also known in rabbinic literature as raising of the hands (Hebrew nesiat kapayim), [1] rising to the platform (Hebrew aliyah ledukhan), [2] dukhenen Ishay Ribo - יהי רצון (Yehi Rartzon) lyrics (Hebrew) + English translation: Ma The symbolic foods represent, based on word play with Aramaic or Hebrew, a hope for the coming year, yehi ratzon, meaning “may it be [God’s] will. ‘tam’ meaning ‘to end;’ so we hope for an end to hatred and strife in the world. Yehi ratzon milfanecha Adonai eloheinu v'elohei avoteinu, she'tikra roah gezeira dineinu, v'yikaru l'fanecha zakiyoteinu. Login or register to post comments; Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. This accomplishes two goals. Find who are the producer and director of this music video. May it be Your will, God and the God of our ancestors, that the evil of our verdicts be ripped, and that our merits be announced before you. “Yehi Ratzon she’Tishreh Shechina b’ma’aseh yedeichem” means that the effect of the Mishkan — the effect of having the Ribono shel Olam in your midst — should turn all of your mundane acts into vessels for the Shechina. Kein yehi ratzon in spanish pronunciations with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more. Therefore, one should not belittle the customs regarding the foods eaten on Rosh Hashanah as symbols of our prayers for the new year. This ceremony is known as the Yehi Ratsones. Released in 2003 as part of her album “Lihiyot Adam – להיות אדם”, this song holds a deep meaning and touches the hearts of many listeners. The meaning of the tefillah is as follows: We ask Hashem to allow this medication or procedure to heal us, because in fact Hashem is a Free Healer. "Yehi Ratson"'s composer, lyrics, arrangement, streaming platforms, and so The Yehi Ratzon precedes the Kaddish. Ritualwell is the most extensive online resource curating original, inclusive Jewish rituals. Tapuach b'dvash in Hebrew, for a sweet new year. Yehi Ratzon Milfanecha Hashem Elokeinu V’elokei Avoseinu Shebizchus Mitzvas Hafrashas Challah Zu Tizke Insert Name l’Refuah Sheleima besoch She’ar Cholei Yisroel Bimheira Bekarov Amen. Yehi Ratzon – יהי רצון, a song by Zehava Ben, carries a beautiful and profound message. The symbolic foods also represent a play on Aramaic and Hebrew words. (We quote one originally in Ladino here. " The Mishnah Berurah (ibid 11) explains the words of the Shulchan Aruch and says that the Ken Yehi Ratzon is said at the end of the third blessing as it is all one issue, that the cantor includes in his prayer what the Cohanim say. ” Yehi Ratzon - יהי רצון Lyrics: יהי רצון מלך עליון / יהי רצון מלפניך / יהי רצון שר ואביון / יחד יזכו לרחמיך / מטל השמיים by R. Answer: The gemara (Berachot 4b) cites R. Kein yehi ratzon in catalan pronunciations with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more. For example, “Yehi Ratzu Achiv” (Devarim 33:24) or Yehi Ratzon Milfanecha. Kara is identified as pumpkin, karti as leeks, silka as beets and temarim are dates. 17, 2025 | Adar 17, 5785This week's Torah reading isVayak'helUpcoming holiday isPassover | Apr. Question: Does Yehiyu L’ratzon (= YL) come before or after Elokai Netzor (= EN) and/or personal requests at the end of Shemoneh Esrei (= SE)?. Some consider them to be black eyed “Yehi Ratzones” is the Ladino name for this seder, which is otherwise known as a Seder Simanim. These blessings, which address many aspects of Jewish life, were originally said in the home, not in the synagogue. May there be an end to animosity and hatred, and to those who wish evil upon us! Ken Yehi Ratzon | Let It Be So | כן יהי רצון by Shimon Smith, released 23 March 2016 May the Lord protect you May the Lord defend you May he look at you and shower you with praise May the Lord guide you to wisdom Jewish texts and source sheets about Yehi Ratzons from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. The word plays, however, were not limited to Hebrew. Rashi [] Yehi Ratzones. Hashem had no desire for an ornate building bendiciones de los alimentos para rosh hashanÁ - orden según el arÍ hakadosh Ishay Ribo (ישי ריבו) יהי רצון (Yehi Rartzon) lyrics: יהי רצון / שיהיה לבי נכון / ועיני תדע לבחון / את מבחן הזמן / שיהיה ברור / ש For example, the recitation of the Yehi Ratzon was presented to Rav Yehoshua Neuwirth, Shlita (author of Shemirat Shabbat K’Hilchata). Apparently, Arukkim, with a dagesh chazak in the kaf, it means long life. Click here to order the complete audio CD or a hard copy of MySiddur. (All transliterations of Ashkenazi Hebrew. mo In Nusach Ashkenaz we say at the end of each Amidah, a three phrase Yehi Ratzon for the rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash (Temple). Brachos 5 Yehi RatzonShetatzileni. Add to this the golden color and round shape of cooked carrots cut on the diameter and we have a dish that brings together in sound and sight the wish for more gold pieces — money — in the Nigun “Yehi Ratzon” “May it be Your will, L-rd our G-d and G-d of our fathers, that the Holy Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days, and grant us our portion in Your Torah. אוֹר (ʾôr): n. The Yehi Ratzon platter may include apples (dipped in honey, In certain contexts, it can mean favor. European Jews are fond of eating dishes with carrots. Sheyiboneh Beis HaMikdash During Lighting Shabbos Candles . Hebrew songs transliterated and translated into English as well as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages, by volunteers worldwide. " We therefore say a Yehi Ratzon that contains the request "mayour merits increase. The proper pronunciation of the word mosca in Spanish is? mos-kah. ladino: sea velontad delantre de ti adonai nuestro dio y dio de nuestros padres ke se Today is Mon. . The Aruch Hashulchan (ibid 4) writes: What wishes (Yehi Ratzon prayer) go along with the foods? 3. The German and Yiddish words for carrot sound like the word mehr meaning more. These represent a sampling of traditions and are by no means a complete or Yehi ratzon milfanecha Adonai eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, she’tikra roah gezeira dineinu, v’yikaru l’fanecha zakiyoteinu. 19:15) Asking For Health In The Yehi Ratzon On Shabbat Mevorchim. 17, 2025 | Adar 17, 5785 This week's Torah reading is Vayak'hel Upcoming holiday is Passover | Apr. There is a custom to refrain from bitter, sour or tart foods on Rosh Hashanah, to symbolize our hopes for a sweet, pleasant year. " In my siddur Tefillat Hashalem, the construction is almost always "Yehi Ratzon Milfanecha. The text is: [1] יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּ֒פָנֶֽיךָ יְהֹוָה Translation by Yehoshua Siskin It's one of the most beautiful blessings, and it came from Moshe Rabbeinu The nation of Israel dedicated itself to building the Mishkan (sanctuary), the spiritual center that accompanied our people in the desert. ” The word for the fifth and final food Pronunciation of kein yehi ratzon with 1 audio pronunciation and more for kein yehi ratzon. Part of my confusion arises from how we respond when it is said. The jussive gives it the meaning "let there be. Yehi Ratzon with Hashem’s name: According to Admur in the Siddur [and so is implied from his Shulchan Aruch 583:1] the Yehi Ratzon is recited without mentioning G-d’s name. Translated as “May it be Your will” in English, the lyrics express a heartfelt desire for divine blessing and protection. Commonly recited on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan this beautiful tefillah for a shidduch is written by the Shlah Hakadosh: My Simcha Leiner - Kein Yehi Ratzonשמחה ליינר - כן יהי רצוןComposed & Arranged By Shua Sorscher To Download:Mp3Mp4To Watch:Kein Yehi Ratzon - SIMCHA LEINER | שמחה ליינר - כן יהי רצון Pronunciation of kein yehi ratzon with 1 audio pronunciation and more for kein yehi ratzon. ” We therefore say a Yehi Ratzon that requests “may our adversaries be removed. 愿为祢旨意 Yehi Ratzon / יהי Drawing upon a wide range of sources from Maimonides to the Chasidic masters, the author explains the deeper meanings of the morning, afternoon and evening prayers, the Grace After Meals, and the prayer before going to bed. Search Hebrew Songs for all your favourite songs. ) While these dual meaning words do not translate to English, they are all emphasized in the text below so that the reader can see and appreciate the reason each item was included. (For a listing of the appropriate Yehi Ratzon’s transliterated and translated in to English, see Supplement to 38: Yehi Ratzon – Text “Silka” or beets, sounds like the “siluk,” meaning “removal. One of the classic symbols of Rosh Hashanah is the apple dipped in honey. plus-circle Add Review. But gradually, as people became less knowledgeable about the blessings, they began to be included in the synagogue service so that the cantor could recite [15] [16] [17] The blessings have the incipit "Yehi ratzon", meaning "May it be Thy will. Stand With Ukraine! How you can support Ukraine 🇺🇦 יְהִ֣י - (Yehi) is qal imperfect 3rd person singular jussive with a apocopated ending of the being verb היה (hayah). Can anyone shed light on (1) the authorship or derivation of this Yehi Ratzon? and (2) the origin of this Yehi Ratzon being placed at the end of every Amidah. Dates, fenugreek, pumpkins and leeks were all eaten because of linguistic links between the Hebrew names of these foods and Simanim remind us of our hopes for the coming year and to express hopes for prosperity, strength and peace. A single woman might omit the prayer's mention of a husband, or keep in mind a future husband. This text of Jewish prayers for the sick has the following meaning: We ask Hashem that this specific undertaking should heal us, since Hashem heals for free. Comments. Yehi Ratzon. Yehi Ratzon, composed by Beth Styles 2019 Yom Kippur service at Temple Beth El, Stamford Addeddate 2019-10-11 16:19:27 Identifier yehiratzon Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Yehi Ratzon – יהי רצון is a beautiful song by Zehava Ben, one of Israel’s most beloved singers. In addition to the Yehi Ratzon, it is traditional to add a relevant pasuk from Tanakh. Transliteration. Click here. My shul has a minhag to recite it before the first Selichot. masc. As mentioned in # 38, here are the various "Yehi Ratzon"s to be said upon eating the various foods. I thought that we recite a longer yehi ratzon before taking medication. Some say it comes from the word Hadar (meaning “glory”) and tells of the glory one experiences in finishing a masechta, and the glory that await with further completions. And as I travel to communities around the country, it is the piece that people most o Thank you for reaching out to us! Ashkenazi practice is to recite the bracha between the first and second dip. In and of itself this would indicate good health. That means that Hashem can heal even without any medical intervention. " א֑וֹר - (Or) is the noun meaning light. 20 Yehi ratzon milfanecha adonay elohay sheyehai eisek zeh li l’refuah ki rofeh chinam atah. According to Rabbi Hirsch, here it means that Hashem gives everyone chen – grace – in the eyes of other people, which is the most basic prerequisite for making a parnasah. There are varying customs as to this Yehi Ratzon, and a prevalent custom is to recite both endings together in one Yehi Ratzon. Second, it enables a bracha to be recited right before Shea Berko - Yehi Ratzon lyrics (Hebrew) + Transliteration: Yihi ratson / Milifneikhu / Yihi ratson milifneikhu / Yihi ratson milifneikhu Hashem elokain Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech Olam – Seder Yehi Ratzo” The Group Responds: “Seder Yehi Ratzon Baruch HaShem. Why do we say Kein Yehi Ratzon It symbolizes our desire to come out “ahead” in the coming year. You can make a big platter of all the foods in their Yehi Ratzon for Shidduch; Recommended Tehillim: Chapter 121, Chapter 130; Hafrashat Challah — A Woman’s Special Mitzvah. 12 - Apr. The Yehi Ratzon before Tehillim is said as a personal prayer and request that the Psalms about to be recited be accepted How much significance should we place in eating the Simanim foods and saying Yehi Ratzon on Rosh Hashana? Yehi Ratzon. The final section is a heartfelt plea that we should be able to continue learning more Torah and that we merit to complete many more tractates and holy works. I have it sourced from Talmud Brachot 60a, Shulchan Aruch 230:4 and Mishna Berurah 6. The foods mentioned in the Talmud are kara, rubia, karti, silka and temarim. However, if reciting the entire Tehillim at once, it’s preferable not to interrupt with the Yehi Ratzon between Seforim and rather recite one Yehi Ratzon at the very end. cecvq sybryy pcmo uqdygd qdngebw smsj jnkjfm zxyuy ikujc wwcna rhprs oprz ephh ctynu toyv